I think its crazy how long it takes to find out what your having when your pregnant...I feel like its a dirty trick to get you attatched to this thing inside you before you really know what your in for...
Corey's Ex wife got married last weekend and I could not be happier that her last name is no longer Beck...nope, its reek, as in super smelly
There is a lot of weight being lost among my friends and family... I feel like I should jump on this bandwagon but I dont really feel like it, its not neccesarily a lazy thing it's more of like a lack of neccesity, I feel great, I work out a few times a week with no problems... I might not look as great as I feel but I luckily have a guy who thinks Im beautiful :)...Eventually I will get on a serious health kick cause I really would LOVE to do a triathalon (sp?)...but for now I'll divide my time as I see fit.
My Massage therapy school is ridiculous...I better get a job somewhere awesome when i graduate cause anyone that has to deal with these people for 9 more months, should be getting well paid...
My sister Miranda gives looks that, Im convinced, can REALLY kill.
I love used book stores